Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thank you for visiting the Washburn Student Government Association. We strive to enhance the quality of student life at Washburn University by committing ourselves to the service and involvement of our fellow students. WSGA is the student's voice in University affairs. We are dedicated to making information regarding WSGA readily accessible, and we hope that you will find the contents of this Web site useful. Please contact us with your questions or comments. The Washburn Student Government Association exists to serve the students and registered student organizations with any problems or concerns they may have.

WSGA is made up of 32 senators; 27 that are elected by the student body in the spring and five freshman senators that are elected by the freshman student body in the fall.

The president and vice president of WSGA are elected each spring by the student body. They, in turn, appoint an executive staff which is responsible for carrying out the decisions of the senate.