Executive Staff and Senators

Executive Staff:

President McGown - president@mywsga.com
Vice President Kitowski - vp@mywsga.com
Chief of Staff Benedict - chief@mywsga.com
Budget Director Cullan - budget@mywsga.com

Special Events Director Kissell - events@mywsga.com
Public Relations Director McGown - publicrelations@mywsga.com
Student Affairs Director Johnson - studentaffairs@mywsga.com
Administrative Assistant Mikulka - office@mywsga.com

Nicholas Campbell
Ty Concannon
Dlany Conny
Caprice Cortez
Garrett Fenley
Ashley Habiger
Allie Hale
John Henderson
Anthony Ho
Keenan Hogan
Myles Howell
Chris Huber
Shea Kirsop
Shelbie Konkel
Katie Lawless
Ryan Masilionis
Randi McAfee
Cameron McCormack
Ivan Moya

Marcos Najera
Micah Offermann
Bianca Ramirez
Brooke Rollison
Josh Rosebaugh
Evan Thomas
Jon Trotter
Cassandra White
Betsy Wooden
Jingjing Wu